Monday, 15 October 2007

I rather like the asceticism

Doing a bit of tidying up today, (wet day)
  • surprised by just how many items of each type of clothing I actually owned, once I sorted out all the polo shirts, or shorts into a single pile, it was incredible. And of course while there are some examples that I really like, mostly I'd forgotten I had them, and don't particularly care for them one way or the other.
  • I suppose like everyone, I have a few clothes that I basically wear almost all the time, and a few that I also wear, and then there is the vast remainder
  • lots of stuff too tatty to be smart, but too smart for the garden.
  • got rid of some stuff, though probably not enough, it never is, really
  • Also nice getting away from iGTD which has a long list of stuff to do, but rather sucks the fun out of anything.
  • struck by the fact that I have a huge pile of surplus shoelaces and bootlaces, and never seem to buy them anymore, BECAUSE nowadays the laces last longer than the shoes. Something wrong there.
  • cut up some old stuff for sticking in the composter, taking off the buttons first. In theory, if buttons were infinitely expensive, you could have a finite number of buttons to last a lifetime, and simply take them off your worn out clothes, and put them onto your new buttonless purchases.
  • I generally have four shoes, two black, two brown, though in practice it is slightly more, as leather shoes gently fade into soggy footed uselessness

Took the dog out for a rather wet walk, he loved it as ever, sniffing and peeing everywhere, something that not many of us can get away with these days. Up on the hilltop, looking over the town to the distant bridges and slight hints of more distant hills through the mist.

Caught up with some emails, it is always quite nice to bottom out the email intray every week.

Looking over the FontShop website reading about Akira Kobayashi - though to be honest I had to google akira clifford to remind myself of his surname. His most famous creation is the clifford font, which is rather nice. I like Japanese woodwork tools, and they have an interesting approach to making things. Accordingly intriguing to read about how he approached font creation, he spent five years designing clifford. And yet it did not seem to be a pretentious noodling away design process, or endless craft for the sake of it. It is an exceptionally fine font. I rather like the asceticism of spending all that time on something so everyday that most people would never even notice it.

Trying to find a big ceramic bowl, which we must have chucked out years ago, so that I could put all the fruit into one really big bowl, rather than the current array of smaller bowls which means you inevitably forget some musty oranges someone else bought. Anyway. Annoyed that I could not find it, but more importantly I really want all the fruit in the same bowl. Same principle as putting all the shorts into one big pile, how do you know what you have unless you can see it all at the same time.

Been getting a bit annoyed with a few things, where it just seems that no matter how much I do, by and large nothing much happens, however things now vastly improved on various fronts as the work is shared out better and a few of things that have been sitting around unloved, seem to have started to sort themselves out. At root it is not really the amount of work that is annoying, it is feeling that you are doing it all, and no one else is, and the frustration of seeing the same stuff sitting and sitting.

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