my new laptop arrived, so I have got it unpacked, charged up, and played around a little. However it runs system 10.4.10 which is the OS I'm familiar with, so nothing new there, I've not yet set it up to connect up to the internet either.
I was surprised to see that it arrived with some extra disks, including the new OS Leopard. I suppose in theory, Apple say that all new computers ship with Leopard, so even although it is a refurb, it ought to have Leopard, but it had never occured to me. Also a demo disk for the new iWork, which I may or may not buy. I currently run Appleworks, which used to be Clarisworks, back when I first bought a computer in nineteen oatcake. Apple stopped supporting it quite a long time ago, and it runs sluggish, but basically does all that I need.
I'll set aside a half day this weekend to
- run migration assistant,
- instal leopard
- instal demo disk,
- transfer over or install a few applications
As laptops are eminently nickable, I would prefer not to fill it with personal information, likewise, I don't want version control running wild, so I will probably use the laptop as a typing machine, where I want to do a lot of typing, and then simply transfer over the finished document. Therefore need to think carefully about exactly what software I will install, and how I will use it. I have already decided not to copy across all the family accounts. I might just set up as myself/administrator, and guest.
Another thing that had not occured to me, I'll need to find a secure spot for it to sit, when not in use, mainly so that it does not suffer from bags of shopping, hot mugs of tea, etc plonked atop it, when no one is looking, it is a busy house.
Another thing that had not occured to me, I'll set it up to run timemachine. I have already bought an extra external hard drive, and I might as well try out timemachine. To be honest, my preference is to just stick with SuperDuper for day to day use, as it backs up the entire system, but figuring out timemachine will really require running it, so running it with non crucial stuff, seems fair enough.
Other stuff this week,
getting awfy dark, and the dog hates fireworks, poor soul.
Monday - Day of lectures on older workers on Monday, really first rate, good lectures, and every conversation I had throughout the day was fascinating. The sort of day that I would have paid money for, rather than having to be paid for.
Tuesday - over in Glasgow for some lectures, also interesting, and catching up with some people. As ever a trip to the AppleStore, and picked up a sleeve for my new laptop. Bedlam at the tills, what an odd shop, but always worth a visit, and always busy.
Wednesday - more meetings, useful catch ups.
Thursday - saw an advertising agency. Always a bit wary of advertising and marketting types, but impressed by this lot. They had done their homework, I'm used to dealing with researchers, and once commissioned, they do their homework, and almost instantly seem to know more about the subject than you do. These advertisers actually employed people from a social research background, and commissioned external social researchers for some of their work. All in all very impressed.
Friday - a couple more quick meetings.
All a bit spaced out with all these meetings, getting a quiet day to lay into the emails is invaluable every now and then.
I'm starting to think about maybe doing some more studying, around the social policy area, I've been dabbling with the subject for quite a while now, and it would be useful to have an academic basis to my understanding. The brighter and more capable people all seem to have a lot of qualifications these days, so there is a degree of running to stay still!
The OU stuff all looks expensive, but I'll have a look round and think about it.
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