Saturday, 2 February 2008

bouncy kwix menus

A quiet week, getting settled into my new post.

Finally bought myself a new mobile phone, my sister has been teasing me on the current brick for some time. It has started to make odd chirrups for no real reason, so I felt that it was probably about time to upgrade. Also took the opportunity to change from a monthly contract - on which I have been getting a rebate, to a pay as you go phone. I generally use the mobile through clenched teeth, with an austerity that keeps my calls down to half an hour a month.

So the delights of phoning call centres, visiting mobile phone shops and speaking to bored looking assistants, and negotiating PAC codes. I know that me buying a cheap pay as you go phone is hardly going to get them breaking out the champagne, but seeing as the whole high street seems to be full of mobile phone shops these days, you might have thought that a bit of old fashioned service would not have gone amiss. Anyways, I seem to have got it all sorted out after a few phone calls and a couple of visits to shops. For interest I have switched from O2 to Orange, as Orange seemed the perkier of the two.

My new phone is the usual fairly standard model, but does come with a camera and one of those round buttons that let you drill down the menus. Anything that relies on ingenious key combinations generally seems to me to be the invention of the devil, brings on the stupid red mist, and I instantly become completely incapable. I am pretty good with computers, but I must confess to being a complete phone luddite. So I did want one with pretty colours and icons, on the basis that I might be able to figure out how to phone someone from the phone book, which I must confess I never really figured out on my old phone, despite having any number of phone numbers in the phone book. Like many folk, I just relied on replying to people in my call history.

I also got the extra RAM for my desktop that I'd ordered from Crucial, and this morning, spread out a couple of towels, and placed the desktop computer face down, and then opened up the bottom and firmly/gently took out the now redundant ram stick, and put in the new pair of sticks bringing it upto a more respectable two gig of ram. I must say that it does seem a lot quicker and more responsive than before, so that seems to be thirty quid well spent. It should also future proof the computer for a bit longer, making sure that it remains usable for that bit longer, it usually seems to be a lack of Ram that renders my computers redundant eventually.

I've ordered more Ram for the laptop, which promises to be a little more tricky to install.

Nothing much else to report, it is exceeding cold, I've got the bouncy kwix menus fixed on my website, with a little help from Isaiah at YourHead.

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