Sunday, 13 April 2008

thinking of spring

Nothing much to report, possibly the result of writing this blog late afternoon, rather than the more usual early morning. I suppose some times are just more conducive to long blogs, and others to short ones.

Busy at work, getting through stuff, but nothing that I can think is worth noting here.

At home, the weather is thinking about spring, though still prone to snow and hail. I've set up a couple of outdoor chairs that I leave out all summer, and started to look at what will need done in the garden, but just not quite warm enough yet to tempt me out. When the weather is right, there is nothing better than the excuse of garden to have you pottering about outside.

I've run a 30 meter ethernet cable through the house, so that the girls now have internet access in their room. However it is all a bit curly, so I'm tempted to take it all down and do it all again properly. However it must be just on the cusp of being able to run along skirting boards, rather than nipping across the ceiling. There are a few extra loops left, but whether it is enough for the more aesthetically pleasing long way round is near impossible to estimate. Possibly a job for a 30 meter piece of string and some drafting tape. However that can be a job for another day.

Monthly community meeting yesterday so paperwork from that has swallowed up a fair chunk of the weekend. Also all the usual stuff around the house.

My new favourite font is the operina font, which is based on a sixteenth century book on calligraphy. Being calligraphy based it is splendidly wonky, and eccentric. It is a pure pleasure to use, because you never quite know what to expect, when some gothic embellishment will suddenly appear.

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