Saturday, 17 May 2008

from there to here, and back again

A bit of an odd sort of day, following an odd sort of week, I guess.

I've been playing around with Fontstruct, which is really quite engaging and restful, tinkering about, a letter at a time. My first font, was straphanger, which was a display font which I wrote about last week. I am working on a softer gentler version - which is more legible. I'll call it Commuter. I am also working on a dingbat font, with little people or whatever. The limitations of the tiles, basically mean that rather than deciding what you will draw, you start experimenting, and gradually proceed towards something that you can actually make some sort of representation of, which generally has no relation to your initial intention. Currently only Straphanger is a public font, but I'll make the others public once I get a bit more work done on them. I would love to actually get a Fontstruct pick recommendation. Something to aim for.

Today the weather has been iffy to say the least, so I have been catching up on paperwork, but in a rather halfhearted fashion, as I cannot really be bothered.

Attended a few interesting seminars and meetings during the week, always good to get out and meet folk. Next week there are a few holidays so with good weather, I should be able to make a dent in the weeding next week. I managed to put a pretty severe ding in the blade for the Flymo, so had to order a new blade online. I'm so used to ordering things that you can download, actually having to wait for something that arrives by post, just seems, like incredibly, like slow now. However replacement blade now safely here. However still in the annoying - waiting pile, still to get an external La Cie hard drive fixed. They did indicate that I would get a replacement, but still waiting for the proper details on that. This is a long running saga, I suspect that most people would just have given up by now, but I am feeling stubborn.

I might think of something more sensible to add tomorrow, but for now, this will have to do.

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